quarta-feira, setembro 07, 2005

Jornais: em papel ou na internet?

Vantagens e desvatagens das notícias em papel ou na internet (via Atrium e Ponto Media).

Tim Porter reproduziu no seu First Draft estas 10 razões a favor do jornal em papel elencadas por Tom Rouillard:

1. The newspaper has never burned my lap. (Macs run hot!)
2. The flight attendant has never told me to put my newspaper away.
3. I can read my newspaper while standing, while eating, while riding a bus.
4. I can give my newspaper to someone else when I am done.
5. I can read the A section while my wife reads the metro section.
6. My newspaper's battery never dies.
7. If my newspaper gets wet, I can buy another for about a buck.
8. I can recycle my newspaper at the curb.
9. If I drop my newspaper, it doesn't break.
10. I can read my newspaper during a lightning storm.

Mas Travis Smith respondeu logo a seguir com as 10 razões para ler notícias na internet:

1. My news site has never stained my clean shirt or my car seat.
2. Anywhere I travel, my news site goes with me. It doesn't pile up while I'm away.
3. I can listen to my news site's podcast while standing, while eating, while riding a bus, OR while I drive my car.
4. If I read a story I like, I can send it to a friend without a stamp.
5. My news site doesn't just have sections -- it's customizable, and it shows my wife and I exactly what we're interested, separately.
6. I'll give you the battery advantage. But my news site has each apartment listing with detailed descriptions, photos and a precise map. My newspaper says "Downtown, 2 bd/2 bt, 5 appl., ht & ht wtr, balc, d/i pool, n/p, n/s. $1200"
7. My news site never gets stolen off my doorstep or delivered late. Or wet.
8. My news site doesn't need to be recycled.
9. If my news site is makes a mistake, they correct the original story, and when I read that story later, I will see the corrected version. My newspaper may not be broken, but it could be wrong.
10. I can read my news site in a light breeze.

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