terça-feira, janeiro 24, 2006


O Bloggers Blog não pára!
Agora a notícia é que Kevin Dugan, do blogue Strategic Public Relations, e Richard Laermer, CEO da RLM Public Relations, iniciaram um blogue chamado Bad Pitch Blog, que tem por missão denunciar os maus exercícios da profissão.
Começa assim:
"Welcome to the Bad Pitch blog. We're tired of the public relations industry taking the blame for a minority of its members that pollute communication channels with bad pitches, poorly written news releases and useless phone calls asking "did you get the release?" So we're outing the guilty parties in full view of the highly-networked blogosphere. It's our hope that the Bad Pitch blog will entertain the true victims of this practice, the PR industry, and it will help the guilty parties improve. Hopefully the blog will someday become obsolete."
Um "bom" bufo!

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